Sunday, December 2, 2007

Christmas Tree!

Mom finally got around to putting up our tree...she usually puts it up EARLY, but this year she was lazy she started by sweeping the floor and moving furniture around...then tree time...

Techie dog was interested in the fuzzy prickly said nooo Techie, so all I could do was watch her...

Izzy was a good girl...she sat with Techie dog and just watched and didn't try to eat the tree...

We waited and waited...booring, mom you taking too long! We chewed on Binkie a bit, but got bored again waiting for this tree to go up....

Finally, we dozed off because tree was STILL not up...we didn't even notice when mom took out the lights and started putting them around the tree...

Ta daaah!! The tree's finally up with the lights and tree skirt (that mom's mom crochet for her) it will just take her another 5 years to put up the ornaments and angel (ouch! mom bopped my head). I wonder if Izzy will try to eat the ornaments hehehe.


Peanut said...

Oh we love that tree skirt. Sorry your mom took so long to put up the tree that you had to sleep.

Amber-Mae said...

Wish my hoomans had the money to buy a big tree like that. Nothing is cheap here in Malaysia especially the X'mas decos... But I helped my mommy to continue decorating the interior & the exterior of the house & now it looks great & our tree has lights too, finally!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer