Sunday, February 15, 2009


Techie had emergency surgery today and a set of 2 baby socks was removed from his intestines!!

His liver and kidney damage aren't as bad as the Dr. thought, BUT he has severe infection of the intestine. The Dr. cut out the necrotic sections but the entire thing is bloody and infected so he is on strong antibiotics. It will be a watch and wait situation...please say a little doggy prayer for him to St. Francis or whoever you pray to. We love him so much :-(


Honey said...

Oh Techie! I don't know you, and live very far away, but REALLY hope you get better soon. Stay strong, heal fast, and please, no more baby socks.
Warm thoughts, Honey (13-yo golden from SF Bay Area, CA)

DogsDeserveFreedom said...

Yikes! Techie don't eat socks!
