Friday, October 17, 2008

Human puppy stealing my mom!

Yeah, so it's me the Techiedog... 3 weeks ago mom came home with her human puppy and I'm pleased to announce that it doesn't make too much noise, nor does it steal my toys.

HOWEVER, I have been unceremoniously banned from sleeping in mom's bedroom AND mom talks to the baby more than me!!! I mean, she used to annoy me with all the dressing up and balancing things on my head, but now I sorta miss it. I also overheard her saying that this baby is going to pull my tail and chase me when it gets bigger. I'm not sure I like the sound of that!

Anyway, I've been very good and mostly ignore the baby so mom says I'm a good dog. BAHH HUMBUG!!!!


Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Oh Techie! your mommy did pawsome ~ beeutiful furless pup! You just wait your gonna love when pup grows and you have your own personal ball thrower and you get to snuggle with furless pup and more Techie treats oh your gonna love it. Good thing it's quiet hey, can you smell the poop? we know the furless pups poop in the houses but no worries you are still loved. think what you would have missed if you hadn't been found?!

lost of love licks all around and we won't bark when we come to visit k?! xo

Amber-Mae said...

Hey, congrats to your Mom! The little nekkid thing is adorable & you are a good boy Techie. I know she will be gentle with you when you grow up. No worries ol'man...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer