Sunday, November 25, 2007

How embarassing....

Mom just found pics of Techie dog last year....ayayay

Reindeer antlers of cliche mom!! Oh the humiliation...I only look happy here because mom gave me nice bone bone to chew...

Here I am taking out frustration on bone...see the madness in my face grrrr. Who knows what humiliation is in store for me THIS year!!!


Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Hi Techie! We're back from r long road trip & sniffed over 2 c whacha up 2. Awh you look cute in the antlers! I think if we put mommy in our pictures she might stop using the camera thingy. You sure got bopped a lot silly you don't say those things out loud! We got caught up on your bloggies. Ginger likes the rain just like Izzy it must be a young ones thing & oach the burrs looked so uncomfortable but I know your mummy was careful when she took them out!

Well bow wow 4 now we got somemore visiting to do wagging tails & love licks Tx trio barking loud today!

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

oh it's us again! We got tagged for the very 1st time & hope you don't mind but we TAGGED you! come by when you can, k?

Love Licks & wagging tails!

Kien said...

Hi Techie... thanks for dropping by my blog... hahah.. strange.. mom just got a picture of me with that reindeer horn!.. we so look alike!.. i'll post it later..


Amber-Mae said...

Techie, you look cute with those antlers! Luckily your mom only made you wear the antlers but me? Me always have to wear almost EVERYTHING for the photoshoot!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer