Friday, September 28, 2007

Fuzzywuzzy nerd

Yes it's me Techie dog. I posed for this photo cuz mom made me (she wants me a nerd too!), but since I look so very smart and handsome, I'll take opportunity to tell you (brag) about all the cool tricks, commands and words that I know. Please don't send doghate mail. Not my fault I'm so smart (or that mom won't leave me alone to be a dog!)
  1. Sit
  2. Stay
  3. Down
  4. Paw
  5. Wave
  6. Roll Over
  7. Oh No (put paw over my eyes)
  8. Up (I get up)
  9. Up Up (i bounce on hind legs - yeah whatever, shut up. YOU can't do it!)
  10. Beg (beg on haunches)
  11. Go see (look through window)
  12. Who is it (also look through window - still counts as one!)
  13. Get down (off sofa or whatever...dont understand why my luxurious hair is an issue)
  14. Speak (my absolute FAVORITE trick)
  15. Outside (pee on command)
  16. Find it (find a toy)
  17. Treat for Kong (get specific toy for a treat)
  18. Back it up (i back up of course)
  19. Go longer (i back up a little more)
  20. Drop it (i release toy)
  21. Go for a walk
  22. Go Tripito (roooaad trip)
  23. Put your head (i put my head through collar while mom holds it open)
  24. Something Nice (i start drooling because it means CANNED food with kibble)
  25. Fetch (of course, i'm a retriever!)
  26. Fuera (i come out of a room - i'm totally bilingual man. I bark in english AND spanish too)
  27. Shoes (i get mom a shoe)
  28. Other one (i get her the other one)
  29. Cuddle (i walk to mom and put my head between her knees so she can cuddle me. She's Needy.)
  30. Go bed (i know it's time for bed and go to bedroom door)
  31. Go sleep (mom ignoring me and forcing me to slumber)
  32. Bow - NEWEST TRICK. (I sorta bow my head low. Still working on this one.)
So there you have it. I'm pretty sure I forgotty some, but that's enough for you all to chew on for now. Happy lintrolling! Ruff, Techie Dog.
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