It is well known around here that Techie dog's mom and her family are CRAZY, NUTS, WHACKO about Christmas...I mean, they make ornaments all year and want to sing carols from OCTOBER ayayay. Anyway, here is the first inevitable (yes, Techie dog knows big words) Christmas post...
Old Christmas photo #1: Ok so here was mom, kinda chubby that year...OUCH mom bopped my head. Anyway, as Techie dog was saying, this was us around 2002 so I guess Techie dog was just 2 years old awwww...And mom had no gray hairs hehe...ouch moooom!!
Old Christmas photo #2: this was mom and Techie dog about 3 years ago...see my face is nice and yellow, no white hairs yet...and mom was still in her 20's hahahah. bopped me on head.
Old Christmas Photo #3: See I'm annoyed...always with this camera, ever since I was born ayayay. Guess I have to get used to it because I'm so handsome...Note the stolen ornament by my foot...ayayay I got scolded. I never steal ornaments now.
This is the first ornament mom made so far this year. She's behind, she better start crafting fast! Oh and most of the ornaments on the tree are made by mom and her family, and grandma crocheted the tree skirt....ayayay ok that's enough of Christmas for now...I'm sure she'll make us pose when our tree is put up for this year...sigh :-)

1 comment:
Your Christmas tree was pweetty so is your mom! You still look good now even with those white hairs around your face. That's a pweetty ornament your mom made. She's artistic! My mommy's into arts & crafts too...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
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